Winston Economics.
High quality research
What we offer
Economic policies and strategies get outdated within two-three years as new business realities are being shaped by ever changing economic and social factors and environment. It is important therefore to review old approaches and develop new ones in response to these challenges. We offer sound research and advice based on wide UK and international experience beyond tabular analysis of ONS statistical data.
Our team also undertakes evaluations of local and national programmes, interventions, and projects, development and appraisals of business cases and projects, feasibility studies for publicly funded developments, and other research.
Sometimes it is really important how much value your business generates in the local economy whether it is due to a forthcoming expansion (and therefore going through the planning process) or due to involvement in local communities that needs to be communicated properly. Assessing your business's economic impact can be a revealing exercise that would benefit the promotion of the business locally (or even internationally) and enable better links with your communities.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can help to add value to your business in other ways.
We also have products for businesses: Automatic Non-Disclosure Agreement, an email disclaimer, which automates the signing of NDA saving you hours of time whilst protecting your IP rights.